Blog Widget by LinkWithin


What advantages do NUFFNANG offer ME, the blogger?
  • Firstly, of course the MONEY!! there are the monetary gains! NUFFNANG will do all the groundwork looking for advertisers and link you in with them. Once an ad is served on your blog, you start making income! making MONEY!! i mean real MONEY!!
  • It is our sincere belief that Blogs should be credible and rich sources of information. Correspondingly, we will do our utmost best to ensure the ads served on your Blog match your content and readership as closely as possible. What this means is that your readers will be up to speed with the best deals in the market place!
  • We are also seeking affiliations with strategic partners like web hosting companies to bring you additional benefits. Stay tuned!
  • has a dedicated “Featured Blogger” column, which will throw the spotlight on a number of Bloggers every month. Will the spotlight be on you next?
  • Nuffnang as the first Asia Pacific’s blog advertising community always organize fun and exciting events for our bloggers to attend and most of the time, it is entirely free of charge!

2 comments so far.

  1. MOLY April 28, 2009 at 12:20 PM
    dah dapat duit x dari nuffnang ???
  2. shah April 28, 2009 at 3:34 PM
    tak sampai tahap minimum lagi la...huhu
    saje je posting..

    bleh klik sendiri ke iklan tu banyak2 kali??

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