baru pukul 1230, tiba-tiba je mulut menguap
mata berair-air, mengantukkah teman?
sah la tu ngantuk, tapi malam tadi nak kata teman tido lambat idak juge
macam biase je tidonye
hari ni blur, dengan short of staff, ada yang MC, ada yang cuti, nak cuti esok,
i would say today is ringan, less of stress
pagi tadi dapat solved satu problem kat office ni
problem SMS notification
ntah kenapa simcard celcom SMS notification yang office duk pakai asyik down je lately ni
found out that rupanya ada infotainment SMS yang dok incoming ke simcard celcom tu
when we're trying to send out messages, the infotainment sms keep on going bounce back to the simcard
feels that this will create another problems, we decided to changed it to another celcom simcard
hopefully the other celcom simcard ni will not bring a lot problem to us. hopefully..
macam-macam dok bermain kat kepala otak ni
macam-macam rancangan dok sepintas lalu kat kepala ni
how do i apply all in one time?
mata berair-air, mengantukkah teman?
sah la tu ngantuk, tapi malam tadi nak kata teman tido lambat idak juge
macam biase je tidonye
hari ni blur, dengan short of staff, ada yang MC, ada yang cuti, nak cuti esok,
i would say today is ringan, less of stress
pagi tadi dapat solved satu problem kat office ni
problem SMS notification
ntah kenapa simcard celcom SMS notification yang office duk pakai asyik down je lately ni
found out that rupanya ada infotainment SMS yang dok incoming ke simcard celcom tu
when we're trying to send out messages, the infotainment sms keep on going bounce back to the simcard
feels that this will create another problems, we decided to changed it to another celcom simcard
hopefully the other celcom simcard ni will not bring a lot problem to us. hopefully..
macam-macam dok bermain kat kepala otak ni
macam-macam rancangan dok sepintas lalu kat kepala ni
how do i apply all in one time?