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kes semalam tengah renyuk2 resit sekali terguris kot kertas tu kat tangan
walaupun macam kecik/halus tapi panjang terguris tu ada la dalam 1.5cm gitu
mula2 tak tau pun, tiba2 tak lama lepas renyuk resit tu rasa cam pedih sangat
kat ibu jari ni

sekali tengok rupanya ada kesan terpotong...aduhh

but now dah ok dah

korang pernah kene macam teman ni dak??

5 comments so far.

  1. pearl'E.J October 17, 2008 at 10:51 PM
    pernahhhhh!!! bnyk kali... kertas mmg tajam kann... time kena tak rasa apa2... 2-3 jam pastu baru terasa, tambah2 lagi bila terkena air.. huhuuu... pedihhh....
  2. MOLY October 19, 2008 at 5:46 PM
    loh ..
    len kali sila berhati2
  3. Intan and The Boys October 20, 2008 at 10:58 AM
    biasa kena...
  4. nanonano October 20, 2008 at 12:21 PM
    oowhh gebunye tgn die,
    goreng pom sodap neh..
    hihi :p

    kertas baru biasenye cmtu la..
    keras tajam..
    pernah kene bykkkkkkk kali
    ngee :D
  5. shah October 21, 2008 at 9:25 AM
    ramai geng =)

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