today i'm on leave.
nak habiskan sisa-sisa baki cuti. tak pergi mana-mana pun, teman cume duduk di rumah.
tengok tv pun takde cerite sangat. hbo tu pun dok tayang cerite same je. alih-alih teman capai psp dok layan 1 game ja..burnout sampai ke petang. tak sedor. sib baik kul 3 tu baru sedor pasai tak makan tengahari. :-p
malam ni pun teman takde plan nak pegi mane-mane pun, baik duduk kat rumah tengok tv je. zaman teman dok melepak rambu-ramba kat luaq tu dah hentikan dah.
more to come!
usually i will get approximately about 10 box from different company. I'll just give them to my family and I just keep 1. For the time being, I got 3.
To All,
Happy New Year 2008!
I'll be on leave on Monday. Will be back on 2nd January 2008.
The week is end. The weekend is coming. KLCC mosque will organise Islamic function which name Sambutan Ambang Tahun Baru 2008 this end day of the year. I put it in my diary. Like to join because the programme looks good and interesting.
Bismillah...., Alhamdulillah
This what I'm talking about

After prayer we went to Wisma Central as my colleague want to check his handphone. The phone appear Contact Service and can't do nothing. The technician told that maybe the software corrupted or the phone ic itself is damage. Despite of repairing, he advise to change to new phones. (Business always a business)
My colleague decide to check with another shop at Taman Kosas after work.
We bought our lunch at Restoran Rashid at Wisma Central. I took plain rice+soy sauce chicken with fried tempe with nuts. And a teh ais to plunge the throat.
Riding to work with LRT and bus again today as my father need to use the car.
Nevermind. I like it. Really enjoy with it. The environment so calm today.
at The Mall, so quiet

PWTC station
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Semalam lagi teman dah start keje. Cuma tak sempat nak post sebab bz lepas cuti. Biasenye kalau lepaih cuti memang sibuk sikit.


Dulu-dulu sebelum dulu tu pakai monitor yg besor tu. Mane ade yang nipis-nipis ni lagi. Bila ade officemate yg veteren tu tanye, ni komputer ke tv? Ni LCD skrin ler. Yang praktikalnya LCD ni senang nak carry anywhere. Boleh plug out plug in sesuke hati. Kalau nak bandingkan dengan monitor dulu-dulu yang besor tu jenuh la kalau nak rearrange tempat.
Tapi skang sampai 7 pc ade kat workstation teman ni untuk kegunaan teman sorang jer. Bayangkan le. :-)
Kalau kome perasan ade plasma tv 46inch tu kat ataih pc tu. Dulu letak betui-betui depan teman ni, tapi dek kerana tak tahan mate, ganti dengan 2 LCD ni dan plasma tu letak gantung kat ataih sket.
Speaker altec lansing tu teman dapat masa pc fair bulan 8 aritu, freebies untuk subscription magazine HWM.
Ape rupe workstation kome?
Like to watch his show over the net. So sad there is none in our tv line show. Who is he really? He is an American ventriloquist and a stand-up comedian. I wonder if there is any professional ventriloquist here in Malaysia?
Some of his show compilation.
If you like to see more from him,
click here
banyak betui cuti bulan 12 ni. berderet cuti. sad to announce that during pay day cume dpt gaji je, no bonus. tak berjalan le teman. masuk ni its about 2yrs tak dpt bonus. thinking of seeking for another job after this, looking for any IT job at cyberjaya. mane yang dapat bonus tu seronokla kome yek.
25/12 - hari natal
1/1/2008! - new year of course!
10/1 - awal muharram
‘Metallica─Sad but True’
Maybe ramai yang tak pernah tengok telur ikan ni. Ikan manong ni rasa daging ikan die macam ayam. Sedap. Nak kata sedap sangat tu takde la, tapi kalau goreng tu memang rasa dia macam daging ayam. Tapi entry ni teman nak cakap pasai telur ikan dia. Telur ikan ni tak macam telur ikan biase yang kite biase tengok jual kat pasar-pasar tu. Setakat ni le, teman tak pernah lagi le jumpe telur ikan ni juai kat tempat lain selain kat tanjung karang ni(promo ke ni??). Rasa dia layan.. masak lemak cili api. Fuh. Memang tak pandang dah orang datang ke panggil ke.
Lepas pergi town, balik tu singgah kejap kat masjid utk tengok orang mesjid buat ibadah korban. Ni kira lembu yang terakhir. Teman dulu-dulu dah merase dah dok buat kerja potong-potong ni. Bagi can kat orang lain pulak merase. Kalau yang takut darah ke ape ke, sorry ye. Just nak share kot-kot tak pernah tengok ke kan.
Isi perut, biase org buat kerabu perut
Kepala, seblah kiri tu─no comment!
Biase la orang kampung gotong-royong
Kulit, jangan tak tau, ini pun ade orang makan
Ini le jalan utama nak ke kampung itu. Lengang betui. Mane nak dapat macamni hari-hari beb. Kalau tak penuh dengan lori dengan pakcik-pakcik dan makcik-makcik yang bawak motor slow-slow 40kmj. Tak masuk lagi dgn bogota ngan bagai.
Penuh pokok pisang, sini pun ada ghost story mcm
wahdi punye story. Pernah masuk tv
Hah, langsung tak nampak kenderaan
Ni sawah dah kene bajak, nak tanam utk musim baru
Go to town to buy some groceries today. The town looks like cowboy town now.

Fortunately my sister able to pick me up at KLCC. Even tho HR already announce that we can go back at 3.30pm but the email just reach my inbox at 4.30. For my sister she can go back at 4.15. After picking me we straight go back home and when reach ampang jaya I decided to stop by at this new openly Maxvalu Shop which has open recently at Ampang Jaya. Would like to walk around to see whats happening.
My family love this
Curry puff
I like this
To All, “Wishing all Muslims Selamat Hari Raya Haji”
Please, have a piece. ;-)
This morning go to work by LRT and bus. My sister drop by me at LRT PWTC and I take LRT from PWTC to Masjid Jamek. At first my plan was to take Putra to KLCC after that but after 2nd thought I think better if I take the bus as today the road was clear because of most of KL people have take the Raya Haj leave starting today.
If I not mistaken, the last time I ride the LRT and bus back to 3/4yrs ago. Since then I go to work by riding or driving. It's fun to use the public transportation. You can 'cuci mata' and just relax at the back. If you are driving or riding you hav to concentrate on the road which you can't 'cuci mata'.
The LRT was Ok as normal but in the bus I feel awkward because the bus full with those foreigners contractor workers. You know what I mean rite.
The bus fare still pari passu.
Fuh, macam tak pecaye jalan hari ni pi keje. Clear sungguh. Agaknye pasai ramai dah ambik cuti raye kot. Yang teman ni le tak cuti-cuti lagi pasai tak dapat cuti panjang. Kecewa betui. Kepada semua yang pulang berhari raye tu teman ucapkan Selamat Hari Raya Aidiladha. Berhati-hati dijalanraya.
Raye ni teman akan pulang tak jauh mane pun, dalam selangor jugak. Ke Tanjung Karang. Ah, rindunye teman kat suasana kampung kat sane. Ade sawah padi, lama rumah yang luas, kedai kopi yang kaw dan macam-macam lagi.

Some of my colleague has started their Hari Raya Hajj leave today. Most of them will take leave until new year holiday. As for me, I can't take a very long leave due to commitment to my work. If I take leave then there is nobody will replace me.
The office surroundings not very hectic as usual. Silence remain. I didn't go to lunch and just watch The Kingdom movie.
Hari ni gerak ke masjid KLCC lambat sikit sebab ade hal yang nak kene settle. Selalunye pukui 12.15 dah gerak, tapi tadi 12.30 baru gerak. Elok sampai je dan duduk terus hujan turun mencurah-curah. Lega! sib baik..kalau tidak tadi basah lencun le jawabnye.
The rain stopped 10minutes after finish praying. So, we cepat-cepat jalan to KLCC takut hujan turun balik sebab langit mendung lagi tu.
After that kitorang as usual terus naik atas sekali dekat warung. Tak tau nak makan ape, so decide makan mi je la.
Punye la lama tak meeting baru hari ni meeting balik sebab nak closing project. Alhamdulillah apa yang dirancang akhirnya selesai. Segala kerja-kerja yang patut semuanya dah siap seperti yang dijadualkan. Ni kiranya meeting untuk latest updates untuk kerja-kerja yang masih pending iaitu preparation of documentation pulak after this.
Meeting patutnya start at 11.30 but delay until 1 because the customer had another meeting pulak. So, menunggu je la dalam meeting room sembang masalah negara. Cerita Hindraf apa semua bagai keluar. Masing-masing dah kerling kat jam sebab waktu lunch kan. Elok ngam-ngam pukul 1 baru start. At last..
Meeting habis at 2 and terus heading to KLCC. Tak plan pun nak pergi mana, just walk and see. Sesampainye kat KLCC sudahnya kitorang makan dekat The Sundanese Cafe, tak tau la betul ke tak nama ni. Teman pun tak ingat dah. Selalunya makan kat chakri palace tapi dah selalu pulak pegi situ rasanya bertukar ke tempat lain pulak.
Not bad la makan kat sini, sebab teman pun memang tak pernah makan kat sini pun. Merasa le jugak..Sedap jugak masakan dia. Sebab teman 1st time ke tak tau la tapi memang officemate yang lain pun kate sedap juge. Sampai balik nak berjalan kat ofis balik masing-masing tak larat nak bawak perut. :-D Kene larat jugak!
Fresh orange

Sambal belacan pun ade
This one recommended, Tauhu telur+kuah kacang. Sedap ooo
Sayur lodeh
Ikan Bakar
All in one
Bonus! most people surely like this
Finish up with dessert ─ABC yang sedap, tapi lupa nak snap gambar sebab masing-masing dok asyik kene es kacang.